Scranton- Nay Aug Park (Old Zoo)
700 Nay Aug Road
The dates listed are for people who TNR. Everyone else will need an appointment.Click on the link below and follow the drop-down prompts for an appointment.
Clinic Dates
(TNR day=1 feral Walk in allowed)
March 19-TNR day
March 25-TNR day
March 26-TNR day
April 2-TNR Day
April 9th-TNR Day
April 16th- Appointments only!
April 23rd- TNR Day
April 30th-TNR Day
DO NOT CALL St. Cats They cannot schedule you. They are our host & not part of our organization.Check -in is inside the building. Park past the building in the lot on the right.Do not park on the road! (You will get a ticket and we could lose our privileges to use the building)